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Keynote Speeches

Dr. Yates and other members of The Yates Group have presented keynote speeches in a variety of venues and circumstances—such as, after-dinner speeches, motivational speeches, training seminars, religious services, back to school presentations, etc. They can customize speeches for your special occasion. Please contact us for more information.

The Learning Styles of Bebe’s Kids

Bebe’s Kids is used as a metaphor for those kids who are most difficult to teach. The research says that they learn differently. If we teach them how they prefer to learn, three things happen: Academic performance goes up, behavioral problems go down, and attitude toward schools and teachers improve!

If I Hadn’t Believed It, I Wouldn’t Have Seen It!

The power of vision and believing in faculty, staff, students, and parents is woefully under-estimated in schools today. Many of our problems become “self-fulfilling” prophecies. Why can the opposite also happen? Plan for positive results!

This is NOT it!
The Learning Styles of African American Males

Our current “realities” are not it! Our organizations, schools, and families can become better by focusing on what we do well—thus continue, what we need to improve upon, and what we need to discontinue.

One of the most under-performing demographics is African American Males. In this Speech, Dr. Yates outlines specific strategies that schools can use to teach African American Males. He give examples of young under-performing males who now are doing extraordinary things across the world. Highly motivational and inspiring!

The Yates Group will develop keynote speeches for any occasion on any theme!

Contact us for more information.

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